Belated New Year Celebrations

9 January 2022

Happy New Year! Even though we are a week into the year already, I didn't really celebrate it until now because the children have been with their dad for a bit, so I waited for them to come back and have a bit of a celebration, the first new year in our new home!
In the meantime I got some jobs done around the flat, painting over a water stain on the ceiling, deep cleaning the carpets, all the fun stuff.
I did however put up my new desk lamps which I bought for myself for xmas and put under the tree. I'm really happy with the amount of light under which I completed my tax return : (
You have to take the small joys in life when you can, has been my mantra in life!

So I'm enjoying a sort of tidy desk and I also bought a lovely new cloth bound sketch book which I intend to use as an excuse to spend all day in a cafe.

I finally framed some prints of the kids! they are a bit bigger now but these sum up their personalities very well I think.

So a week after the big day, we had a proper candle lit tea and cake, followed by dinner, just eating all day.

I recently found some vintage handmade glasses, each of the three have different animals engraved on them. One of my favourite finds!
I usually save some presents from xmas to give them at new year...

This is a Panettone given to us for xmas from my brother and sister in law.

and this is the pizza I made for dinner.

Some pictures of a me that Pehr took...

and she was very proud of this photo she took of me and a creme brûlée.

I love the amount of candle reflections in the bay window.

So I have already ticked off a few dull January jobs from my list, we are excited about our plans for the garden and a trip to London to meet some relatives for the first time next month. Lots of jewellery materials are arriving too so I'll get on and make some new samples soon. I think this year will be a good one x


  1. It all looks so lovely. Children are always so proud of photos of their parents that they took, you are making some very special memories here.

    Happy New Year to you all. xx

  2. Happy New Year to you all! Beautiful photos x

  3. Christine Steven9.1.22

    Happy New Year! Your home is so lovely and I so enjoy your posts, thank you. Cheers to a happy healthy 2022!

  4. Happy New Year to you, lots of lovely memories made in your new house. xxx

  5. Beautiful photos, Pehr has your artistic eye, I am looking forward to seeing the garden evolve. Love, love, love the Fox glass.

  6. Happy New Year. Your posts are always so special and inspirational. Thank you for taking the time to share!

  7. It is so nice to hear from you again! A very Happy New Year to you and kids. I just love your bay window - how lucky you are!

  8. Happy very well deserved New Year 2022, congratulations with what you did with your home, it is so pretty, calm, peaceful, beautiful, restful, I have been following you for so long and always amazed by your taste. Again Happy New Year to you and children.


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