RU.ST: autumn 2019

11 September 2019

I love these fluffy grass seed heads, I found them last year and have been meaning to do something with them. I used a big wire hoop, and there are some wheat heads and gypsophila in there too.
I'm trying to keep a uniformity between the look of our showroom and the photos on our website (both by me) however the frame of the close up photos is about 5cm wide and our window is about 5ft wide. It's a bit tricky but I think these dried plants work well for both and can handle the full direct sunlight in the shop.
Next will be xmas again, how can it be that quick??


  1. Love the wreath, although it made me want to sneeze. Your work is beautiful.

  2. Longtime reader here--I feel like I've watched your children grow up along with you. :) Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your posts and am inspired by your creativity. Cheers to autumn.

  3. beautiful.. your work is always very lovely..

  4. Another long-time reader- I think I've read all your posts? I find solace on this site and tend to visit when I need a bit of an escape. Always inspired by your life and creativity.

  5. Wow! I find solace from the kindness of strangers, thank you!xx


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