homemade wool slippers and a dress

9 April 2015

For those of you that follow me over on instagram, you will have seen these already. I made me some slippers! Obviously they are super easy to make but getting the shape right was a bit more tricky so these roughly made pair will act like my template for future pairs. I used thick pure wool felt (which is not cheap) but I have run out so am waiting on some more that I ordered. It's always really satisfying to make something for your own feet, why is that I wonder?

They feel really nice and toasty on, a bit like smooth woollen socks.

I have realised that pink is my new favourite colour, shhhh don't tell anyone.

I also made another of these really easy dresses. It's made of a very drapey viscose mix (i think) grey fabric with stars on. I found it for a £3 a metre so I bought tones of it! It feels light and summery. I added a bit of bobbly trim at the hem and thought I'd wear it with a belt instead of making a cord around the waist. It took me about 90 minutes to make, it is just two rectangles and some drawstrings.

Sort of like this length on me, as I am in fact, a munchkin.

I couldn't get a very good picture of the back for obvious reasons, but it falls quite low and ties on the shoulders. I hope to get some serious beach action this summer, in fact we have had three days of solid sun here on the Isle of Wight and I can hardly remember what winter was like now!


  1. beautiful...the dress, slippers and most of all~ you! ;) the warmth in the west country at the moment makes it worth thinking about summer dresses ~ my little girl is already in hers and we've both been in the sea today! yay! slightly 'freezeballs' though!! hehe x

  2. Ooh love the pink pom poms, and hooray for the sun at last! xxx

  3. Gorgeous! You've inspired me to get my machine out and have a tinker. Not sure I'll fashion any semblance of something wearable but hey - there's always bunting. Yes. Bunting. I can do bunting. :-) xx

  4. I love both of these! I just had to throw away my worn out Muji slippers. Maybe I'll try making some. Where did you get the pompom trims from? So gorgeous.

  5. You look gorgeous! I had this grey phase in my closet and I thought I was completely over it but seeing it mixed with pink it's just soooo pretty!
    I have a back condittion at the time (well, always but now I've been sitting in my couch for 5 days not being able to do the things I want!) so I'm jealous of seeing what others have done!
    You look wonderful!

  6. I love the slippers, will have to make some!

  7. Love the pom-pom trim on your fab makes.

  8. The sun really does fire you up Artemis! Love it.


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