a bit of winchester...and then London

10 December 2014

Yet again we had to travel up to London for a few days last week, to fulfil some orders (RUST is busy busy!) but this time we decided to stop on the way at Winchester. I have been there just a couple of times before, it really is a lovely city.

nice cafes...with friendly doggies...

We found a very nice shop called Consortium where we purchased a small cupboard and some candles and a printing kit.

...but the main reason for our trip there was to visit the Hambledon shop, I absolutely love their online shop and once tried to visit their shop last year but it was closed...so this time was a extra exciting for me...

also because it's christmas!!

hope we didn't cause too much disruption in their lovely shop, our kiddo was a bit 'lively' ; )

next we drove on to to London and as usual, we stopped by Spitalfields market

I loved that knitted ted with the small head, but it was a bit disturbing.

We did a bit of exploring too, we went to Crouch End!

a nice place for a mooch around and some great cafes too. Its a much more pleasant place than it's name suggests ; )

and of course, we couldn't be in London at christmas without a christmas lights tour (actually just stuck in traffic).

On Saturday we went to the Monocle Christmas Market it was a really magical atmosphere there...

Littlun loved the 'Mono-chan' owl so much!

all kind of amazing goodies available.

afterwards we had mulled wine at the shop where our friend works whilst our kiddo slept in the carrier. Our friend has a little boy similar age to our daughter, who is also half Japanese. 

London is very sparkly this time of the year for sure, especially after a glass of wine.


  1. Ah, London at Christmas time! Actual pangs of longing and nostalgia over here!

  2. Beautiful! I haven't been to London for years. In fact U can't even remember the last time I was over that side of the world for Cgr/ winter. Over here (in New Zealand) things are just starting to warm up and although I'm very excited about that it doesn't quite have the same magical xmas feel.

  3. what a magical post! I started following your blog because our daughter's are very similar in age but I consider it such a treat to catch up with your life and all your adventures. thank you for continuing to inspire me.

  4. Hello my name is Liza from the Netherland and I love England. We've been there several times in the summer (once Stratford upon Avon, London and Cornwal) I love it that and can peek a little with you and see the lovely side of England.


  5. Anonymous20.12.14

    Hi, love reading your blog and looking at your lovely photos. Can I ask what carrier you use for pehr now she is older/bigger? Thanks :)


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