Nao's workshop shed

18 March 2014

So this is my Mister's shed.

My shed is 6ft x 4ft and his shed 8ft x 4ft, so it's a bit longer and a bit taller too.
His is a brand new shed...

he makes some jewellery and leather things, and pretty much anything really.

he is really into old tools and things to do with vintage cars.

...and boxes.

He made a small desk under the window which folds down when not needed, and he has a separate jewellery bench for more grubby jobs.

Our kiddo likes to run down to his shed and knock on the door, and then take all the labels out of the drawers.

ahhh shedded bliss


  1. Anonymous20.3.14

    I love them both.

  2. looks great.. a little personal kingdom
    have a nice day:-)

  3. I love both of your sheds, such a great idea to have a workshop separate from home. and the view from Nao's shed - wow.

  4. the view and the interior of both of your sheds are incredible ! WOW !

  5. such cool sheds! what's in the 'don't open' drawer?? p.s. does Nao speak to Pehr in Japanese? Lucky kiddo :) x

  6. LOve both sheds and you got such amazing view!

  7. This couldn't be any more lovely!

  8. Ah, very handsome! And the shed's not bad too ;)

  9. Hello Artemis & Family,

    With that beautiful view, however do you get any work done? I wish I was as proactive as you two. I would just sit and soak in the weather, come rain or shine, and admire the view all day!
    Gillian xxx

  10. Love them both! Love all Nao's metal boxes - but not sure how you get anything done with a view like that from the window!

  11. Love the 'Don't open' drawer, so mysterious... If I was Pehr I'd be making all sorts of stories up about that in my head when I was a little older...

  12. Where is Pehr's shed? You know it's inevitable...

  13. i have such shed jealousy! we cannot get such beautiful, simple wooden sheds in the states. errgggghhh.

    both of you have such a nice way with putting things together and choosing things that harmonize. did the mister make those pigs and geese?

    happy making to both!

  14. Both your sheds are good enough to live in! I'm amazed at how much you fit into your one Artemis, it looks teeny in the exterior shot. Anyway happy making to both of you and looking forward to seeing all the beautiful things you create. :)

  15. your mister`s shed is great I see he is right handed too

  16. What a characterful shed and a stunning view. I'm not showing you mine!

  17. Anonymous21.3.14

    I know I've said it before, but I'm quite envious of your little sheds. I don't live in the best of neighbourhoods in Toronto, and would likely end up with some unfortunate soul living in my shed, instead of it being a place for crafting. I'm thinking to turn one of our closets into a workspace, but I will have to convince my husband that we don't really need it for storage first. Wish me luck!

  18. How I'd love a shed to run away to and have a little camp stove to make my tea.
    Your daughter is adorable. Love the pic of her with both her index fingers pointing... great shot with good timing.

  19. I'm so jealous of your shed action! I need to get me a shabby chic shed hideaway asap :)

  20. Anonymous23.3.14

    Inspirational! Where does the green suede notebook (very clever closure) come from? Home made?

  21. Please tell us what's in the "don't open" drawer!

  22. Pleaseeee, could you tell me which paint you used to paint the insides of the sheds with? x


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