
29 November 2013

It's getting pretty dark and miserable here in old Blighty. It's only the thought of impending Winter Solstice festivities that keeps me going this time of the year. However, I have been doing plenty of online shopping in the last month or so. I decided to treat myself to something very special.

A looooooooong time ago when I was but knee-high to a grasshopper (18 years old ahem), I worked in Rome for about 9 months as an Au Pair, during which I made some very lovely Italian friends.
Thanks to Facebook (yes we all criticise it, but it does do wonderful things too!) I made contact again, and one of my Friends Ottavia, has moved to Arizona! She and her husband are starting a new life for themselves that is more true to their passions and talents, and changing careers. Ottavia has been very busy starting up her own business making clothes and accessories from reclaimed fabrics.
I am so utterly happy that she has made such a brave step to follow her talents.

Her shop is called FloatingChairs.

I fell in love with this fabric and ordered a case that I can keep my beloved Kindle in.
I bought my kindle fire when I was preggo and it somewhat saved my life. I just watch films and telly on it ; )

Its nice and squishy and has a nice chunky zip, and look at that amazing colourful fabric peeping out! I do love a colourful lining.

 Her items are also vegan and eco-friendly ; )

Thank you Ottavia! It's just perfect!

Meanwhile we have been beating the winter blues by prancing about in colourful clothes and sunglasses.


  1. Beautiful photographs! I adore that Moose bag, your friend is very talented. And the dear little one .... so cute! x

  2. How to beat the winter blues - prance about in colourful clothes and sunglasses! Would that work for the, ahem, over 50s as well as the under 5s?

  3. Where, if you don't mind me asking, are those mug/candles from? They look like a perfect Christmas present idea!

  4. Anonymous29.11.13

    I will check out your friend's shop for sure! And as for Pehr.....she is truly the prettiest little poppet ever! that smile just melts my heart. I know how you feel about winter, here in Ireland we are suffering grey days and long dark nights also.....but I hold onto the fact that it won't last forever and maybe we will get some snow! All the best, Ruth in Dublin.

  5. There's something about hand knitted cardigans; warm and cozy. Reminds me of the jumpers my Nanna used to knit for me.

  6. I love the candles! & the pouch! & your daughter is just too precious! x

  7. beautiful cases she makes, have already made her shop a favorite on Etsy! and the candles are so cute too :) seing your daughter Pehr looking herself in the mirror really reminds me of being little. since my father past away I've been staying with my mother at my parent's house, I was in the bathroom and suddenly I remembered of being so little and not being able to see myself on the mirror on the wall. It's wonderful that you are recording Pehr's growing up with beautiful pictures!

  8. Anonymous2.12.13

    The most beautiful advent calender I have ever seen. Wow. Last pic cheered me up.

  9. Oh, those toddler cheeks!! And thighs!! How munchy :)

  10. Everything in this entry is so beautiful and you are an artist!! Look at your little princess how is growing up beautiful ang so cute!! Have a good December!

  11. Just how cute is she .. gave me a smile in my heart!
    Just found you ..

    Vicky x


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