gardener's world

12 May 2011


getting quite chuffed with how our garden is shaping up this spring, its full of green things instead of brown things. a recent garden centre purchase was the pale lilac flowers above, called Nemesia i think? they smell like vanilla cream cakes.


and we are harvesting a bumper crop of salad, radishes and herbs.
...peas, beetroot and spring onions on the way too!
{although it looks like i have some competition with a certain Miss N !}

If the whole world fell down tomorrow, I think I could survive on radishes alone.


  1. Beautiful!I remember when you were just posting the lil shed being built.Everything looks so natural in the little space.

  2. I've got garden envy!

  3. Your garden looks beautiful! What a great idea of yours to combine the flowers with vegetables, lettuce and herbs. One can hardly believe you live in the middle of the city when you look at the pics :)


  4. What a lovely garden Artemis! Did you know that the leaves of your radish plants are very tasty in a salad too. If you go through your spices in your kitchen, you can grow black pepper corns, poppy seeds, cardamon seeds and dried chick peas as well as lots of other things. Keep the seeds from the veg you eat (squash, tomatoes, apples, pears, pomegranates, lemons, oranges) and you'll have loads more to plant too.

  5. It's all coming along so nicely. Your little garden is looking adorable.

  6. A beautiful little garden - and so many of your photos are magazine-worthy - just gorgeous!

  7. You have a beatiful garden,and in the city!...
    I like that you have bought you a car,you take so many nice trips and beatiful photos!:):)
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. You have such a gorgeous garden- I'm totally jealous being a fellow londoner and having no outdoor space :(.. but then I do live right opposite kew! Love your blog. x x

  9. It looks great! I love your use of alternatives to pots - it all looks so effortless (though I appreciate it wasn't)!

  10. You have the cutest garden in the world.

  11. Debbie14.5.11

    I think your little garden looks splenid.
    I love the use of planters, really adds interest

    Love reading your blog and the places that you visit especially now that you have a car.

  12. I love it in your space.

  13. It's beautiful! :)

  14. love your garden.looking forward to our spring, just planted a lemon tree.

  15. Anonymous17.5.11

    Ooooh, i'm so envious of your little garden. I have a balcony here in Sydney and after just a few little window boxes in London i thought it would be brilliant, alas too shady for veggies and herbs but lots of space for succulants!

  16. It really is just one of the nicest times of the year when the lilacs are flowering, heaven scent. One year I wandered through the lilac walk at kew, sensory bliss!


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